So I noticed. A year ago yesterday you told me through facebook chat that you were jealous of me coz I was in San Francisco, and I wanted to get on your page and say I was jealous of you now, but it turns out it didn't exist. So I crawled through the only link I could find (Taylor's blog) 'till I found yours. How's that Ferlinghetti book, by the way? I've read a lot of Jack Kerouac stuff and they always talk about this Ferlin-guy. Like in biographies and sometimes he's a charcter in Kerouac books but with a fake name.
So I noticed. A year ago yesterday you told me through facebook chat that you were jealous of me coz I was in San Francisco, and I wanted to get on your page and say I was jealous of you now, but it turns out it didn't exist. So I crawled through the only link I could find (Taylor's blog) 'till I found yours. How's that Ferlinghetti book, by the way? I've read a lot of Jack Kerouac stuff and they always talk about this Ferlin-guy. Like in biographies and sometimes he's a charcter in Kerouac books but with a fake name.