Friday, January 22, 2010

Canyon Coming Down

I think I wrote four or five poems yesterday at the MoMa. Tim Burton's stuff is pretty unbelievable. I haven't seen very many of his films... I think the only ones are 9, Beetlejuice, and James and the Giant Peach. Also, did you know that he was on the animating staff of the movie The Fox and the Hound? I don't think he really left his mark on that one. Anyway it was something that was really enjoyable to see. Sometimes I wonder if Tim Burton did the artwork for some of The Cure's albums. I don't think he did, but he should look into it. He did a music video for The Killers... (awful band). Also there was some robot thing that had an open head, and then its head shut rather violently (scared the crap out of Taylor). That was something I had not seen at a museum previously... it gave it an element of... are we in a museum or a haunted house. Or... a haunted museum. Also, I saw the severed head of Pierce Brosnan.

listen to this song.

and then, if that song makes you sad, listen to this one

and if you don't like that one, go to this one

last night went to Opium Magazine's Literary Death Match. It was really fun. I will be thinking about footlicking for a long time. I definitely want to go to more events at the club.

1 comment:

  1. You should watch Youtube interviews with Tim Burton, I am in love with people like him. He actually sat and drew his wife and child when the child was being born. He thinks purely through creating.
